These 7 tips on choosing the right electrical fittings which include lamp holders, switches, sockets, LED bulbs, pattress boxes for your building will help you eradicate mishaps. Choosing electrical fittings for buildings, are more often than not, determined by elegance, with quality coming second, or relegated to obscurity. This is not to say we shouldn’t be concerned about the beauty of the electrical fittings we use. However, while elegance of these fittings, and how they impeccably fit into our dream homes may be considered important, quality on the other hand, cannot and must not be jettisoned or sacrificed when we shop for them. This is because your electrical fittings may be as important as your security man, watch dog, or even preventive medications if we simply accept that a faulty or substandard electrical fitting may result to fire outbreak or electrocution that can lead to sad endings.

Some of the most common electrical fittings include but not limited to:

· Sockets

· Switches

· LED Bulbs

· Lamp Holders

· Pattress Boxes

These fittings are powered by electricity – serving as conduits or outlets for our usage. Therefore, care must be taken to shop wisely for the best products with features that revolve around but not limited to quality/efficiency, durability, easy accessibility and availability of the products, trend, and elegance. This is in no particular order.

Here are some important tips to consider when choosing electrical fittings:

1. Quality/Efficiency

When buying electrical fittings, quality/efficiency is always important because it can save you money in the long run. In addition, it ensures that you get what you pay for, which also means that if something breaks down during use, it won't cost as much to fix it as well as reduce any potential dangers posed by faulty parts or pieces needing replacement before they're even installed in the first place.

2. Durability

When durability of a product is not assured, then the tact and stress used and encountered during the purchase and installation is pointless. Electrical fittings that are of high quality should be able to be efficient for years. This is not so in some cases where occupants are made to replace these installed fittings within a year or two. Care must be taken during survey to decipher and know the best products in the market.

3. Easy accessibility and availability of the products

In order for us all to be able to enjoy our homes and businesses safely, we need certain things around us at all times—lights, outlets, switches—and these things need to be accessible – the ones that are of high quality need to be accessible. Most persons are being inundated by the sad reality that getting the quality products they started with have become near-impossibility, and as such, have settled for other products which are either less-efficient or more-efficient products. This makes multiple electrical fittings within a single apartment the only choice. Sometimes, the best products are those produced within our regions, which are readily available and accessible. But often do people replace quality with foreign products.

4. Trend

The competitive nature of the business of production with companies producing classier and classier products every year, is sure to make consumers demand trending designs. An example is the automobile industry where new models of a particular brand is produced each year. A good and well-researched company should be able to give trendy designs that meet up with the ever-changing taste of the consumers. While consumers must never sacrifice quality for trend or elegance, these two gives beauty to homes, and must be in the equation when making purchase decisions.

5. Elegance

Closely associated with trend is elegance. In-fact, elegance determines trend faster than quality in the business of electrical fittings. Consumers would always go for elegance – always. This article is not in any way trying to discourage consumers from buying for elegance, but to support their taste by informing them to always go for products which have quality and elegance fused together.

6. Affordability

High prices seldom mean high quality. Sometimes, quality products are often cheaper than their competitions which are costly. Getting to know which is better is a task one must be ready to bear.

7. Resistance to fire

This is because of the use of bakelight powder instead of plastics for the sockets and switches

In today’s world, standard electrical fittings play the below tasks:

1. Assure safety and security.

2. Enhance beauty.

3.Checkmate against installers’ unnecessary and avoidable repetitive accesses to occupied buildings.

4. Prevents the possibility of fire outbreak and electrocution. The use of bakelight powder, as against plastic makes this a possibility.

The need to choose wisely when buying electrical fittings for one's building cannot be overemphasized. For places where fluctuations of power are frequent, getting high quality electrical fittings helps provide safety and security.

At Valued Alliance Electrical Industry, makers of VAE Bulbs, VAE Sockets, VAE Switches, VAE Lamp Holders, VAE Pattress Boxes and others, we understand that choosing the right electrical fittings for your buildings is not easy. That's why we've created this guide full of tips and tricks on how to choose the right electrical fittings. Our electrical fittings - products of extensive years of research – give you the rear blend of all the 7 tips stated above just for your comfort.

Written by:

Bello Omokhowa Precious